Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) activated with Citric Acid (C6H8O7)
There are various protocols to consider depending upon what the MMS is for and how it is being administered.
Unless stated otherwise, all protocols described herein refer to MMS1 being activated with a 50% citric acid solution to create chlorine dioxide.
When referring to the number of drops, eg a 3 drop dose, it means 3 drops of sodium chlorite activated with 3 drops of citric acid.
*Unless advised otherwise, CDS can be substituted for MMS1 in most situations and the dosage adjusted accordingly*
Unless stated otherwise, all protocols described herein refer to MMS1 being activated with a 50% citric acid solution to create chlorine dioxide.
When referring to the number of drops, eg a 3 drop dose, it means 3 drops of sodium chlorite activated with 3 drops of citric acid.
*Unless advised otherwise, CDS can be substituted for MMS1 in most situations and the dosage adjusted accordingly*
Quick Fix Protocol
Protocol 1000
Herxheimer Reaction
If nausea, diarrhea, headache, vomiting or any other side effect occurs, reduce the number of drops but do not stop taking the doses. It is not the MMS causing the feeling of sickness; it is the dying off of pathogens.
Many people think that if a little MMS is good, then a lot is better but that’s not the way to do it. If you allow yourself to stay sick, it reduces the effectiveness of the MMS and increases the healing time. Nausea and diarrhea use up energy you need to heal. Don’t allow the MMS to make you feel worse. It’s a good indicator of the condition of your body at first, but be sure to back off if you are sick. If a Herxheimer reaction is too severe, consume orange juice or any fruit high in vitamin C |
If the taste is intolerable you can use freshly squeezed fruit juice instead of water but not orange juice. If bottled juice is the only alternative make sure there is no added vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and no added preservatives as these will nullify the effect of the MMS.
Making it in capsules is covered below (To be Added) Adding DMSO makes it more effective and helps mask the taste - see Protocol 1000+ below When making 24 activated drops in a litre of water for Protocol 1000, you can add 1/8th of a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to the full litre to change the pH & make it more palatable Using MMS1 to make Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) is covered here |
Tip for Keeping Milk Fresh
Add 3 drops of sodium chlorite (unactivated MMS) per litre (quart) of fresh milk, shake it up and refrigerate it.
The milk will last much longer because the sodium chlorite eliminates the harmful bacteria that cause the milk to spoil.
Skin Absorption Methods
Protocol 1000+
Some diseases appear to be resistant to MMS in certain people - eg some have had problems overcoming herpes and others with Candida.
New ways to improve the effectiveness of MMS continue to be researched and tested.
Protocol 1000+ is Protocol 1000 plus DMSO (Dimethyl Sulphoxide) - Add DMSO to each hourly dose.
Protocol 1000 is a maximum of 3 drops of Sodium Chlorite and 3 drops of 50% Citric Acid each hour for 8 hours a day.
For Protocol 1000+, add one drop of DMSO for each drop of activated MMS.
Add the DMSO only after the reaction of the MMS has completed (20 seconds when using 50% citric acid).
Give the mixture 3 minutes to complete after adding the DMSO. Stir the mixture with a non-metallic spoon or shake to mix.
The addition of DMSO drops improves the taste and makes it easier to take the MMS.
New ways to improve the effectiveness of MMS continue to be researched and tested.
Protocol 1000+ is Protocol 1000 plus DMSO (Dimethyl Sulphoxide) - Add DMSO to each hourly dose.
Protocol 1000 is a maximum of 3 drops of Sodium Chlorite and 3 drops of 50% Citric Acid each hour for 8 hours a day.
For Protocol 1000+, add one drop of DMSO for each drop of activated MMS.
Add the DMSO only after the reaction of the MMS has completed (20 seconds when using 50% citric acid).
Give the mixture 3 minutes to complete after adding the DMSO. Stir the mixture with a non-metallic spoon or shake to mix.
The addition of DMSO drops improves the taste and makes it easier to take the MMS.
Protocol 2000
For Life Threatening Conditions
Protocol 2000 is Protocol 1000 or 1000+ PLUS MMS2 taken as per the instructions below. Note though that for life threatening conditions, Protocol 1000 which normally limits MMS1 to 3 drop doses should be increased to any number of drops the patient can accept without the Herxheimer reaction up to 10 drops, and take it 10 to 15 times per day rather than 8. Commence with Protocol 1000 only and introduce the next phase after a week or two. Then take MMS2 every other hour between MMS1 doses. Start slowly and be sure to drink lots of water with the MMS2 dosage. Start off with 1/4 of an MMS2 capsule and increase carefully from there to a full capsule. Take the MMS2 on the half hour, in between the MMS1 doses, for a total of 4- 5 times per day. MMS1 will be taken 10-15 times, and MMS2 will be 4-5 times. Eg, MMS1 at 7am, 8am, 9am, 10am etc, and MMS2 at 8.30am, 10.30am, 12.30pm, 2.30pm and 4.30pm. If anyone has trouble with MMS2 it’s because they are not drinking enough water. If the person is in really bad condition, continue with the ½ capsule of MMS2 four times per day. Increase to a full capsule for the four doses as soon as possible and continue this protocol until well. |
MMS2 - Calcium Hypochlorite Ca(ClO)2 MMS2 (Calcium Hypochlorite in granular form) is a type of swimming pool chlorine but be careful not to get the wrong one. Read the label and make sure it says Calcium Hypochlorite at least 70% or higher. It will be labelled as poison and not for ingestion but will be taken in minute amounts that are not harmful at all. To take, simply place it into size 0 gel capsules (available online or at health shops) and swallow with plenty of water. Water is needed to activate MMS2 in the body and turn it into hypochlorous acid, a substance that the body produces naturally but in insufficient amounts to cope with the toxic overload of modern life, dietary intake (including refined white sugars and flour, pesticides, preservatives, colours, flavours, aspartame and other chemicals), heavy metals, pharmaceutical drugs, vaccinations, water supply additives, air pollution, etc. etc. etc. |
Protocol 3000
If Unable to do Oral Protocols, or to Shock the Body to Attack an Acute Disease
Step 1
Make up a mixture of 10 drops of Sodium Chlorite and 10 drops of 50% Citric Acid solution in a small cup or bowl, stir and mix for 20 seconds.
Add about 50 drops of DMSO and stir and mix for at least another 20 seconds and then rub it on one arm. You will notice that the mixture warms up
significantly but not enough to cause discomfort.
Cover the arm as completely as you can with the MMS/DMSO mixture.
Cover the hand that you use to apply and rub with some kind of thin plastic as you won't want to continue to subject your hand to the DMSO each hour.
Step 2
Follow the same procedure for arm #2 after waiting one hour.
Then, at the beginning of the 3rd hour follow the same procedure for one leg, and in one more hour (the beginning of the 4th hour) follow the same
procedure for the second leg.
Step 3
Follow the same procedure as given above in steps 1 and 2 all over again.
This means each leg and each arm will receive two treatments in one day. That's enough.
Do this procedure for 3 days and then check to make sure the skin on the arms and legs is not becoming red. If so stop for a day or two, but if not continue. You may not be able to follow this procedure for more than 3 or 4 days and then you might have to stop for a couple of days, even up to stopping for 4 days if the skin remains inflamed. If the skin does get red right away add a teaspoon of water. If the skin starts to itch or burn in any area, add a teaspoon of water and rub it in. Keep adding the water anywhere it burns or itches. Use aloe vera where the skin is red, after the DMSO and MMS has been removed.
If there is no problem with the skin continue to use the DMSO and MMS hourly, but do not create an extra problem by using the DMSO and MMS too often. Watch carefully for the skin getting red or painful, and back away from doing it for a while, especially in any area that becomes red.
Protocol 4000
MMS2 - When MMS1 is Not Available or Cannot be Used
MMS2 (Calcium Hypochlorite) alone has been found to be almost as effective as MMS1 in many cases, equal in others, and even more effective in still others. The basis of this protocol is to take MMS2 every 2 hours for 12 hours/day. How much to take depends upon body weight: 1 gram per dose (1x size 00 capsule) for a 90kg (200lb) person 750mg per dose (1x size 0 capsule) for a 65-70 (150lb) kg person 500mg per dose (1x size 1 capsule) for a 45kg (100lb) person 250mg per dose (1x size 2 capsule) for a 20-25kg (50lb) child If you begin to notice nausea, reduce the dose by at least 25% and keep reducing it as long as you notice nausea or other discomforts. Increase back to the recommended dose as soon as you feel safe in doing so. MMS2 will not cause a healthy person any kind of discomfort in the quantities that we use. The immune system will just thank you for the extra hypochlorous acid. If you don't have capsules, see the honey technique to the right. |
The Honey Technique For those who do not have capsules or who cannot take them. Try to source raw organic honey with no added preservatives. Put the honey in the refrigerator, it is absolutely necessary that the honey be very cold. Measure out the correct amount of calcium hypochlorite for your bi-hourly dose and mix it into a very small amount of cold honey about the same size as the pile of hypochlorite that you will take. Do not allow any water or moisture to mix in. Once you have mixed it, immediately put it on the front tip of a teaspoon and take it. Have a glass of water there to wash it down. It must go down immediately as it will taste terrible if it begins to warm up. Drink at least one glassful of water. If you do this right, there will be absolutely no problem and no taste. Warning - Do not try to use honey at room temperature. It will not work because the honey will begin a reaction with the calcium hypochlorite immediately and the taste will keep you from getting it down your throat. |
Maintenance Protocol
Older people (over 60) – take 4 to 6 drops every day
Younger people – take 4 to 6 drops twice per week
Enema Protocol
6-15 drops in ½ liter of water, depending on the severity of the symptoms.
Breathing Protocol
2 activated drops, no added water. Inhale gently into the nose, but not deeply into the lungs.
Gassing Protocol
This will treat boils, warts, moles, skin cancers - anything on the outside of the body
6 drops activated in a small wine glass or similar with no added water, hold the glass up to affected area for FIVE minutes.
Do not allow any skin contact with the liquid, only the gas.
6 drops activated in a small wine glass or similar with no added water, hold the glass up to affected area for FIVE minutes.
Do not allow any skin contact with the liquid, only the gas.
For the latest protocols, visit and find the 'New Protocols' there in the right hand column

Protocols Guide v3.pdf Last updated April 2012 | |
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